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5 Plumbing Features for Kid-Friendly Bathrooms
February 11, 2019
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If you plan to remodel your home to make the space more kid-friendly, don't forget about the bathroom. Most bathrooms are designed with adults in mind. Unfortunately, those adult-sized bathrooms make things difficult for little hands and bodies. Here are five crucial features that will make your new bathroom easier for your child to use.

1. Child-Sized Toilet and Urinal

Young children can't always use the adult-sized toilets. Not only do young children have a difficult time climbing onto the taller toilets, but the flushing mechanisms can be hard for their little hands to grasp. Potty chairs are a common way for children to learn how to use the toilet, but they're not the most efficient. That's because there's a different feel and sound to an actual toilet.

As an added safety feature, kid-friendly toilets also come equipped with self-closing lids that ensures a secure fit after each use. To help establish independence and to make potty training easier, install a kid-friendly toilet in your child's bathroom. If there are little boys in your family, don't forget to include a kid-sized wall-mounted urinal as well.

2. Easy Access Bathtub

Toilets aren't the only fixture in the bathroom that kids have a hard time with. Bathtubs can also pose a serious problem for young children. This is particularly true where standard-sized bathtubs are concerned. The taller sides can make access difficult for younger children. That's where easy access bathtubs come in handy.

Shallower tubs make bath time easier for children because they're able to climb in and out of the tub with ease. Adding safety grips to the sides ensure that your child can have a secure grip, even when their little hands are wet. The smaller size will provide your child with an added sense of independence, as well.

3. Hands-Free Faucets

Faucets aren't always easy for little hands to maneuver. Even with a step stool, young children can have a hard time turning the water on and off. That's why you need to install hands-free faucets in your child's new bathroom.

The hands-free design allows your child to turn the water on and off for themselves, which makes personal hygiene easier for them. Adding a faucet extender will ensure that your child won't need to stretch for access to the flow of water.

4. Water Heater

When you design your child's bathroom, take steps to prevent burns. Most burns associated with hot water occur in the bathroom. Your child should never have access to water that is hotter than 38 degrees Celsius. Unfortunately, when your child is learning to use the bathroom on their own, you might not always be there to prevent burns.

That's why you need to equip your child's bathroom with a separate water heater. The separate water heater will allow you to set the temperature to a setting that is safe for your child. That way, no matter how far they turn the hot water faucet, they'll always be protected from scalds. If you prefer to forego the separate water heater, you can install anti-scald devices on the sink and bathtub.

5. Textured Flooring

Bathroom floors are another area that can pose serious safety risks for young children. Slip and fall accidents are a real concern where young children are concerned. To make the bathroom a safer place for your young child, include textured flooring in your design plans. The textured design will ensure that your child has sure footing, even when the floor is wet.

If you have plans to remodel your home, use the tips provided here to design a safe bathroom for your young child. For other helpful tips on how to design a kid-friendly bathroom, contact us at Moody Plumbing Inc. We're here for all your plumbing needs.

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